Quote About love - "Love is when you lose the flavor, passion, romance and still care for him." - Anonymous -
Love is when you lose the flavor
Related to Love is when you lose the flavor :
Not easy for us to forget old loverNot easy for us to forget old lover. Lover who has been known to us since a long time, suddenly went away. relationships forged o ...
If love is only going to make a lot of broken heartsIf love is only going to make a lot of broken hearts, then I will choose to love you in this course. Without you and anyone else ...
Not because he's in love with youQuote about Love - "Painful when someone can not let you go, not because he's in love with you, but because he knows you are alwa ...
Quote about Love: Love is the history of a woman's life. Love is just one part of a single episode in a manLove is the history of a woman's life. Love is just one part of a single episode in a man ...
Whom you love leave you Quote about Love - "When he whom you love leave you for someone else, dry your tears, because you know you deserve better." - An ...